"Trumpocalypse: What Now?" Anti-Inauguration Art Event @ Sacred Gallery : 01/20/17
From the Christmas holiday to January 20, it has been a bit of a busy month for me. I proposed an idea to a friend of mine the idea of hosting a group political art show commenting on the election of President Trump (whether it was the election itself, or a prediction of what is to come). We worked to put together "Trumpocalypse: What Now?" The end result is having over 20 artists with participating in this special art event. It's a fun show to see in person. Participating artists include:
Adam Hays
Andrew Wohl
Barbara Lekus
Bart Vargas
Brandi Merolla
Brandin Baron
Brenda Oelbaum
Christian Hooker
Elana Goren
Gary Duehr
Hal Hefner
Heath Kane
Jeremy Townsend
Mark Bryan
Matt Comeau
Nathaniel Shannon
Pinky Weber
Robbie Conal
Stephen Fredericks
Sean Gallagher
Seung-Jong Lee
Todd KaleThese artists really helped bring my vision together for what I wanted of "Trumpocalypse: What Now?" And to note, by popular demand, this event that was a one-night-only show is now extended to be displayed at the end of the month. So check it out at Sacred Gallery before it is too late.
- DanWhere We Are Now America:
An open letter and thought to what happened on Nov 8:
I tried to stay up as late as I could last night to see the results of last night's election. Unfortunately, I could not stay up to see the final results. But what I saw and witnessed is the constant thought "How can all of this happen?"
The reality is did the term "democracy" work? My answer is yes. No matter what the results are, democracy did work. And despite disagreements, people expressing the right to vote is a right everyone should cherish. I just hope that voting rights were not violated, or if there are missing vote counts, or "rigging" occurred.
It's just democracy worked in the way that many would not see coming, including myself. And it is in the direction that is anti-progressive. It is in a direction that reveals that we are still segregated, still sexist, and against expressing the freedom of religion. It is in the direction that everyone cannot "love" each other unless it is in the written "Christian" ideology. It is in the direction that takes us backwards from the global opinion versus moving forward. It is in a direction that greener environment movements are now threatened.
What last night revealed is that there are folks that think the same way the Brexit and the Australian vote of Tony Abbott are "good ideas". What it also reveals is that many individuals does not accept the facts and hindsight of how presidential candidates should appear to be, and we elect someone who has no experience, no true plans on how to run this country aside from repealing health care, cut taxes and build a wall. No true plans on how he will make things better within America, or how the world can even favor America under his foreign policies.
We are now in a state of mind that someone like myself is fearing the threat of freedom of speech and freedom of press. I am fearful of many immigrants who want to contribute to this country will soon be forced out. I am fearful of the poor that want to be taken care of will be kicked to the curb by the repealing of the ACA. I am fearful of every minority member that want equal rights will be looked down upon and be placed back to life before 1965. I am fearful that for those who want marriage equality are now feeling discriminated.
This is what we have to deal with now. This is who "America" elected. I can only end with this:
Thank you Mainstream Media for not doing your fucking job by not informing the public how this man is unfit for president, giving this man all the free air time for ratings and in the end, giving him a spot light to come to this stage.
Thank you the fellow Republican Conservative establishment for having your tail stuck between your legs and not being able to take down this man in the primaries and in the end, support this man while crawling on your knees. Because of you, you allowed an inexperienced narcissist to now be a leader of the free country.
Thank you the Democratic party for not giving Bernie Sanders the equal chance and unbiased view that prevented him for possibly be the primary candidate. If the general public expressed their opinions, Bernie Sanders would be our President. And unfortunately, many of these "Bernie Bros" ended up voting for 3rd party candidates who are just as unfit for this role as the man elected today.
And thank you the entire "establishment" for fucking this up. If you listened to the people, we would have had more qualified candidates from both parties and would not have had an ugly election like this one.
Because right now, we elected not only a Narcissist, but a Fascist. A Democratic country that I thought were moving forward...just elected a Fascist. And I do not know what will happen to our future of America. But I hope that reality kicks in and realizes this was a mistake.
Back From The Dead (...More Like From my Cave)
I know that things have not been updated here for a little while. But a couple of years ago, I have stepped away from art in general. I was consumed by many various events and situations that have delayed my creativity. This year has changed all of that.
The many reasons why I have been more active with my art is due to what has occurred since June of 2015. With the events occurring all over the globe, soaking in what is happening around the globe, I have decided to focus more on my political art versus the art that goes outside this subject matter.
By making time to create this, it opened the idea that aside from drawing, I should also make prints. So for the first time in a long time, the screen, ink and a squeegee were tools to produce new work. And it feels good.
Now this site is modified. New portfolios are created on this link for you to enjoy. A lot of things can change and occur in the road ahead. But for now, there is light and a fuel to create works that not only have meaning, but hope finds humor for you the viewer to enjoy.
- DanInterview with Suzanne Zhang and Rooms Magazine!! : 08/12/13
Hello everyone.
I know I am a bit slow on posting new things. But I have been working on some new drawings you can find in my portfolio page, as well as Facebook.
But some bigger news to share is the my interview with Rooms Magazine (based from the UK)! I had the luxury to meet Suzanne Zhang, a talented writer based in London, a few weeks ago; and after some e-mail exchanges, she swung by for a studio visit, and had a lot of fun doing the interview. We both enjoyed our discussion about my art, and shared plenty of laughs as she asked me about the art world today, the question of art being elitist, and how television can replace religion.
You can read the interview here (which is part of her online journal blog as she travels across the country):
On The Road With Suzanne Zhang
Hope you enjoy the interview! And much thanks to Suzanne Zhang for doing a great job!
Art of Democracy Group Exhibition November 3rd!! : 10/22/2012
Hey folks.
It has been an extremely long time since I last posted any news for quite a while here. And during this time, I have taken a step away from the website, a bit from my art, and enjoy things in life for a bit here.
But recently, I found out one of my paintings (Americanization II: Apple) got selected to be part of the Art of Democracy exhibition at Sacred Gallery on November 3rd!!
This is organized by the New York Society of Etchers, and Marshall Arisman is curating this exhibition.
A whole bunch of artists are involved in this show. If you are around the NYC area, check out this exhibition. And be part of the party in light of the upcoming Presidential Election November 8th!!
Miniprint International in Cadaques Spain! (and other things) - 6/25/11
Hello friends.
This evening, in Cadaques, Spain, I have a set of 4 prints on display at the 31st Miniprint International in Cadaques, Spain. These 4 prints (also on the site) are Glowing Heart , Third Eye , Blind Senses , and Seeing With Clarity .
This exhibition includes hundreds (and hundreds) of artist around the globe. The opening reception starts at 6 pm (which is around now, this time). And will be on display in Cadaques from June 25 all the way through September.
With that, the exhibition will also visit Wingfield in the UK, Girona, Spain, and Bages, France!
Here is the link with all the details of the show:
31st Miniprint International, Spain
To go with this, some new prints uploaded into the screenprints portfolio coming. Gaga-Donna is already there. Another one to post soon: All You Need Is Love . And more.
Stay tuned.
"Protest vs. Propoganda" Group Expo Sacred Gallery NYC September 4-24 - 8/26/10
So over the past few weeks, I've been working on a few new prints that were based on the BP oil spill. Just so happens that they will be on display in NYC next week.On September 4, 2010, Sacred Gallery will have this political exhibition, featuring my two latest BP prints. With much thanks for the gallery to let me be part of this show, the reception on the 4th should be a blast. The gallery is located at an awesome spot (on Broadway off Canal), and also runs as a tattoo parlor. As an added bonus, Shepard Fairey will also have his works on display (which I'm EXTREMELY STOKED about). Also showing will be Aidan Hughes, Max Gundy, Adam Hays, Nik Moore and Wendy Cross.
Reception on the 4th is from 7-11:30 pm. To find out more info on the show, you can see the details either on their:
main site - Sacred Gallery
or facebook - Facebook e-vite
If you're around the NYC area, hope to see you there!